"Such a timely and relevant topic 🌱 As always so wonderfully presented. "

Susanne Geert

Create a media kit that wins you work

Discover the principles of crafting a brilliant media kit

Services Brochures, sales packs, slide decks, media kits - call them what you will, media kits have the power to effortlessly transform your sales process and streamline your inbox massively. Discover the principles of creating one that will showcase the value in what you do, politely filter out those people who aren’t a good fit and get your ideal clients ready to invest.

An informative & uplifting seminar packed with insights, new perspectives and a wealth of experience

In this 75 minute session you'll discover how to create a media kit that:

  • Streamlines your sales process

    You can waste huge amounts of time and creative energy on clients who want to know 'what you charge'. I'll show you how to craft something that will create the right impression in a snap and let you get back to doing what you do best.

  • Showcases your value

    The right clients aren't looking for the cheapest in your field, they are looking for someone who will do an incredible job. A well planned media kit allows you to show prospective clients what you're capable of and create the best kind of anticipation for your service.

  • Sets you up for success

    A media kit is the most elegant way I've found of winning the right sort of work. From clients who love what I do and are a great fit. This seminar will give you the insights to do the same.

"Brilliantly insightful as ever Fiona."

Lucy Hunter

Watch the seminar now

The recording is now available for instant viewing. Your investment includes lifetime access and you can watch as many times as you wish. Excited to see you there!


  • How is this different to your Media Kit course?

    This is a 75 minute seminar packed with insights, inspiration and energy. Whilst I haven't 'held anything back', there is, naturally, a limit to the detail you can go into in a seminar vs a four-week online course. The seminar will give you the principles and the inspiration. Expect the course to give you the in-depth how to.

  • When is the online Media Kit course being launched?

    I'm aiming for Spring!

  • Will the content be duplicated in this and the online course?

    No, in that I never recycle content or rehash old presentations