elevate your brand


A comprehensive and empowering four part course that will empower you to create a truly magnificent media kit that streamlines your sales process, showcases your expertise and wins you more of the right work.

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create a magnificent media kit that showcases
your value and streamlines your sales process

win more of the right work

A well planned, thoughtfully considered and beautifully designed media kit will convert more of the right clients and elegantly filter out those who aren't a good fit.
I'll show you how.

showcase your value

Let me guide you through my tried and tested process for demonstrating the wealth of expertise in your work and sidestepping any awkward pricing questions. This will get your clients on board in the right way.

free up your time

A captivating media kit will dramatically reduce the time you spend handling enquiries - as long as it's it's bespoke to you. In this course I'll guide you through an empowered way of structuring yours so that it works for your unique business.

Let's create a truly
magnificent media kit

Having an exciting, up to date and captivating Media Kit at your fingertips will wonders for your creative or service based business.

It'll allow you to convert more of the right clients, streamline your sales process and free up your time to focus on the work you really love doing. It'll enable you to protect your creative confidence, showcase your value and win more work. In this course, I walk you through the detail of creating a magnificent media kit that you can begin using right away and a process you can come back to again and again. What's not to love?

"Absolutely incredible course. You know exactly how to pace it and how to really get the message across for participants to learn, I feel like I’m doing a masters degree."

Sandy McKinley, Acre of Roses

Part One: Strategy & Planning

We’ll begin by exploring your sales process and mapping out your customer journey so that we can identify exactly how many media kits you need to create, what to include and what what to leave out.

We’ll identify your key muses (ideal clients), as well as those who aren’t a good fit and explore and how to use your media kit to maximise the potential within your enquiries and reduce those awkward conversations about price and boundaries.

By starting with the strategy, which is so often overlooked, you'll ensure that your media kit is underpinned with the right foundations.

"Everything Fiona does is incredible and this is hands down the most beautiful online course experience I’ve ever had"

Olivia Bossert

Part Two: Creating Content

Writing copy is rarely at the top of any entrepreneur’s list and yet it’s something we all have the power to do really well. You’ll know what you want to say by this point, so how can we say it engagingly, eloquently and in a way that feels unique to your business?

In this section we’ll move past the fear and formulae that dominates so many copywriting techniques and create content that really feels like you.

"Really thrilled to be doing your media kit course. It’s totally over-delivering on my expectations already- thank you so much!"

Sophie Robinson

Part Three: Design & Layout

Things will be really starting to come together by this point! Part Three is all about layout and flow. We’ll explore how you translate your brilliant content to something that looks amazing and that does your work the justice it deserves.

As always, you won’t need a design programme here - we can work with Microsoft Powerpoint if needs be - what really matters is that you understand how to apply what you learn and create something phenomenal. As well as design fundamentals, we’ll also cover images and photography.

"Thank you so much for this course! I can't believe how much value I've got from it. It's moved me forward leaps and bounds. I just love how inspiring you are, and when you combine that with the rigor and structure you create for your courses, it really makes for something special."

Susan Young

Part Four: Elevating & Refining

This is where we take what you have created and really elevate it. We’ll explore those design elements that will leak credibility and dive into the details that will really transform how your media kit looks and feels.

We’ll also look at those essentials of how you actually get your media kits to your clients in the most elegant and seamless way. By the end of this section, you’ll have a stunning media kit, ready to send out to your clients that will transform your sales process.

"This course has so far been a game-changer for me. Many thanks for making me work so hard!"

Mercy Guzman

take a free, taster lesson

Creating my first Media Kit absolutely transformed the sales process and conversion rate for my design agency and I have no doubt it'll do the same for your business. Enjoy a free lesson and discover how it can work for you.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction and Context

  • 2

    Planning and Structure

    • Welcome to Planning

    • Start with the Focus: Planning this particular media kit

    • Planning your Content: Part One

    • Exercise: Mapping out your Customer Journey

    • What would you Change?

    • Muses: Identifying your muse for this media kit

    • Exercise: Create your Muse

    • Planning your Content: Part Two

    • Exercise: Planning your Content

    • Think Like a Client

    • Wrapping up Planning: What should you have done by the end of this section?

  • 3

    Creating Content

    • Welcome to Creating Content

    • Writing Brilliant Copy: The Fundamentals

    • Exercise: Which means that... Creating Copy that Sells

    • How to Write Compelling Case Studies

    • Exercise: Creating Compelling Case Studies

    • Frequently Asked Questions: Your Secret Weapon!

    • How to Write Empowering FAQ's

    • Exercise: Creating your FAQ's

    • Drafting your Content

    • Which Tense? First or Third Person?

    • Identifying your most Irresistible Deliverables

    • Writing your 'About' section

    • Exercise: Reviewing your Copy

    • Wrapping Up Creating Content

  • 4

    Design Foundations

    • Welcome to Design and Layout

    • Which Software should you use?

    • Setting out your Media Kit

    • A note on the screencasts

    • Getting the Flow Right

    • Designing your Media Kit: Part One

    • Designing your Media Kit Part Two: Layout

    • Choosing Images

    • Designing your Media Kit Part Three: Choosing Images

    • Designing your Media Kit Part Four: Adding Images

    • Working with Templates

    • Time to Fill in the Gaps

    • Wrestling T's and C's into order

    • Wrapping up Design and Layout

  • 5

    Elevating and Refining

    • Welcome to Refining and Polishing

    • Oversights that will Leak Credibility

    • Elevating your design

    • Devices that Enchant

    • Elevating The Brand Stylist Media Kit

    • Elevate your Design

  • 6

    Sending out with Confidence

    • Reminder: Send via Email or Downloadable from your Website?

    • Dotting the i's and Crossing the t's

    • Getting your Media Kit ready to email out

    • Creating Future Media Kits Efficiently

    • Let's Celebrate and Crack On!

    • Wrapping Up Media Kit Mastered

"I love this course already. As usual, it’s clearly explained, inspirational and just so beautifully presented."

Sue | Modern Cake Designer

Enrol now and let's start creating a magnificent media kit

Your investment includes lifetime access to all of the content. Begin when you're ready, work through at your own pace and revisit the lessons as often as you choose.

let's create a phenomenal media kit

A brilliant media kit will transform your sales process, get more of the right clients on board and allow you to focus on doing what you do best. I can't wait to guide you through this!

Please note that if you take the instalment option, Design and Layout and Elevating and Refining are released after your second payment and regrettably, there is no way of altering this schedule. If you're likely to want to access everything right away, the full payment option is for you!

Two, Monthly Instalments


2 x monthly payments
  • Lifetime Access
  • Instant Access to Modules 1-3
  • Modules 4-6 released after 30 days
  • Includes VAT for UK customers

Reviews for this course

5 star rating

I didn't want this course to end

Rachel Kelloway

I have no idea how I ever lived before this course; or without a media kit. Fiona's has elevated the humble 'course' into a work of art; beautiful, soulful, articulate and an absolute joy to learn from. Her mastery and vision culminate in an exp...

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I have no idea how I ever lived before this course; or without a media kit. Fiona's has elevated the humble 'course' into a work of art; beautiful, soulful, articulate and an absolute joy to learn from. Her mastery and vision culminate in an experience that will continue to transform my business for years to come.

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5 star rating

Fulfilled all expectations

Marta Becerril

The curse is well structured and full of insights. Fiona is so inspiring I would often pause the video to add or edit something on my content. I have now a complete Media Kit I am proud of, and I didn't need any outside help other than this course...

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The curse is well structured and full of insights. Fiona is so inspiring I would often pause the video to add or edit something on my content. I have now a complete Media Kit I am proud of, and I didn't need any outside help other than this course. Highly recommended, worth the investment.

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5 star rating

SOOOO timely!

sami mitchell

Want to keep this brief... but... My personal life has completely shifted in the past few years. With a long term relationship (30+ yrs) ending so did my ‘job’, as we co-owned the business. I have had to & needed to completely reinvent myself....

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Want to keep this brief... but... My personal life has completely shifted in the past few years. With a long term relationship (30+ yrs) ending so did my ‘job’, as we co-owned the business. I have had to & needed to completely reinvent myself... and tun 60. I was brave but scared. I moved from a small community in the Rocky Mountains to just an hour north of New York City. Not much $ in savings & no work. I decided to ‘do’ what I had always had a passion for... design. So I took what capital I had, enrolled in school, bought a fixer-upper disaster of a house & began the journey. In Dec 2020 I graduated with A’s & a certificate in design from NYIAD. I have almost completed my gut-job fixer upper home, & I am now being asked to ‘work’ in design! yeah... then... This past ‘weekish’ I accepted a job from a young friend. The work & communications etc. was... I thought, excellent... until she received my invoice... Ugh! Last night we had an excellent conversation & all is good. This am I opened my iPad and this offer from Fiona, ‘Media Kit, Mastered’ was in my mail. I signed up immediately! I am using the proceeds from this past job to invest in NOT experiencing such a hard misunderstanding with a friend. In starting out with my business family and friends are who I am reaching to and needing to get going... and I am just soooo darn grateful Fiona sent this email. I have her books, I have been a follower for a few years... wether she knows this or not... Fiona, you have been a bright light in my lantern on this journey. So so so grateful. Sami ps sorry so so so long!

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5 star rating

Loved it!

Denise Fishburn

Thank you Fiona. I’m a brand designer with many years of experience, but not great at selling myself and showing my value. Your Media Kit Mastered course has given me a great tool to now do this. I’ve started my first one and eager to get finished...

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Thank you Fiona. I’m a brand designer with many years of experience, but not great at selling myself and showing my value. Your Media Kit Mastered course has given me a great tool to now do this. I’ve started my first one and eager to get finished and send this out to elevate my value.

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Reviews for the January class

This class was run as a mentored course in January 2021- here's what the students had to say about it

5 star rating

love the title

Vicki Israel

best of your courses yet Fiona! so much content, far beyond what I thought a Media kit is all about. Thank you for your generosity in content and your expertise as an inspiring instructor! You are great teacher and love the pace and the feedback y...

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best of your courses yet Fiona! so much content, far beyond what I thought a Media kit is all about. Thank you for your generosity in content and your expertise as an inspiring instructor! You are great teacher and love the pace and the feedback you gave. That really helped!

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5 star rating

A worthwhile investment for any service-based business

Danielle Garber

This course was just incredible. It's allowed me to refine my pricing guide in a way that really elevates my offerings. The sessions are thoughtfully led and insightful as always. Having a beautiful media kit is an absolute must for any business a...

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This course was just incredible. It's allowed me to refine my pricing guide in a way that really elevates my offerings. The sessions are thoughtfully led and insightful as always. Having a beautiful media kit is an absolute must for any business and when you see the transformations that Fiona shares you will see how easily you will make your investment back on this course. It's an absolute no brainer.

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5 star rating

Amazing game-changer class!

Mercy Guzmán

The media kit class was a game-changer for me. As a designer, I always look to the end result and can get lost in detail rather than focusing on the process of taking my clients from point A to B. Thinking about the client’s journey and how to bet...

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The media kit class was a game-changer for me. As a designer, I always look to the end result and can get lost in detail rather than focusing on the process of taking my clients from point A to B. Thinking about the client’s journey and how to better explain the ways in which I can help them, was very illustrative and always putting my ‘muse’ first was an interesting analogy for me too. From now on I will definitely refer to this class each time I need to create text, a new media kit, or any other piece of communication.

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5 star rating

Wonderful course for both novice and experienced marketers!

Dolores Dweck

I just completed this course and was blown away by how much I learned. I studied marketing, have worked in marketing, and even have my MBA and run my own business and STILL learned so much. This is a course I’d recommend to any small business...

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I just completed this course and was blown away by how much I learned. I studied marketing, have worked in marketing, and even have my MBA and run my own business and STILL learned so much. This is a course I’d recommend to any small business owner, regardless of their industry. Can’t wait to learn more in other courses!

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5 star rating

Totally enthralling and potentially business-changing

Sarah Hobbs

Thank you so much Fiona! Another brilliantly produced course - I loved the pace of it, the structure and the way everything managed to come together by the end, when half way through I never thought I would make it! As ever you create amazing va...

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Thank you so much Fiona! Another brilliantly produced course - I loved the pace of it, the structure and the way everything managed to come together by the end, when half way through I never thought I would make it! As ever you create amazing value, and deliver above and beyond expectations. This will be something I know I will go back to each time I produce a new media kit and will no doubt gain extra insights in doing so. This was my favourite course so far as it was so practical and immediately applicable to my business. Delicious!!

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5 star rating

Media Kit, Mastered

Tamara Peel

This has been such a game changer for me. All of a sudden everything makes complete sense! I feel I've learnt invaluable skills and understanding that I can confidently implement to my other business offerings. Thank you so much Fiona!

This has been such a game changer for me. All of a sudden everything makes complete sense! I feel I've learnt invaluable skills and understanding that I can confidently implement to my other business offerings. Thank you so much Fiona!

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5 star rating

SOOOO timely!

sami mitchell

Want to keep this brief... but... My personal life has completely shifted in the past few years. With a long term relationship (30+ yrs) ending so did my ‘job’, as we co-owned the business. I have had to & needed to completely reinvent myself....

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Want to keep this brief... but... My personal life has completely shifted in the past few years. With a long term relationship (30+ yrs) ending so did my ‘job’, as we co-owned the business. I have had to & needed to completely reinvent myself... and tun 60. I was brave but scared. I moved from a small community in the Rocky Mountains to just an hour north of New York City. Not much $ in savings & no work. I decided to ‘do’ what I had always had a passion for... design. So I took what capital I had, enrolled in school, bought a fixer-upper disaster of a house & began the journey. In Dec 2020 I graduated with A’s & a certificate in design from NYIAD. I have almost completed my gut-job fixer upper home, & I am now being asked to ‘work’ in design! yeah... then... This past ‘weekish’ I accepted a job from a young friend. The work & communications etc. was... I thought, excellent... until she received my invoice... Ugh! Last night we had an excellent conversation & all is good. This am I opened my iPad and this offer from Fiona, ‘Media Kit, Mastered’ was in my mail. I signed up immediately! I am using the proceeds from this past job to invest in NOT experiencing such a hard misunderstanding with a friend. In starting out with my business family and friends are who I am reaching to and needing to get going... and I am just soooo darn grateful Fiona sent this email. I have her books, I have been a follower for a few years... wether she knows this or not... Fiona, you have been a bright light in my lantern on this journey. So so so grateful. Sami ps sorry so so so long!

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"Loving the media kit course Fiona, thank you. The combo of video, presentations and exercises keeps me totally hooked and inspired - to the point where I resent having to put it to the side for a while to turn my attention to paid work!"

PR Jax

Frequently Asked Questions

Good question! It's a really quite ridiculous name for one of the most powerful pieces of marketing kit you can use. Some people call them sales PDF's or Enquiry Decks or Sales Brochures. They are beautifully designed, brilliantly written documents that you can use to showcase your value, filter your enquiries and win more work. I've explained a lot more on my IGTV Media Kit highlights as well as on The Brand Stylist blog.
Good question! This is definitely geared up to help those of you who sell services communicate more effectively, but it can absolutely work as a tool for the product businesses amongst you too. You'll find Media Kits especially helpful to explain how wholesale, brand ambassador programmes and PR/ influencer offerings work and whilst there are no specific lessons geared around these topics, you will be able to apply the structure of the course to your needs for sure.
It's not, but that won't affect the gross price you pay for the course. Essentially, everyone pays the same price for the courses but that includes 20% VAT for businesses within the UK. If you're a long time member of the community based in Europe, you will probably remember that pre-Brexit, VAT was also included in your course investments. Since January 2020, when the UK left the EU we have not charged VAT on products and services in Europe. Either way, what you really need to know is that wherever you are based, the headline price of the course is as listed! Nothing is *added on* for tax.
Your investment includes lifetime access to this course, so you can work through it at a pace that suits you. Go nuts and binge on everything in a couple of days or take your time and reflect in between lessons. You have complete control over how you work through the class. And with lifetime access (given that you stick to the terms) you'll be able to revisit any of those lessons that resonate the most in the future.
Oh good! I had such good feedback from that seminar and I hope you enjoyed it. The fundamental difference is that by the end of this course you will have a stunning media kit. The structure of this course allows us to go into much more detail than is possible in a 45 minute keynote presentation. Whilst the headline principles will be the same, I’ll be able to pull in more case studies, discuss the details more deeply and really allow you to get to grips with the nuances that relate to your business. Secondly, I know that the structure will work really well for many of you. Sometimes, knowing what you need to do isn’t enough. Having it broken down into manageable chunks will make all the difference in getting this off your to do list and into a useable and powerful document.
No. Thanks for asking. Your enrolment fee covers one user.
I share lots of content for free on my website and these online courses are priced fairly and more than reflect the value you'll gain from the class. If you'd like to discuss prices for multiple logins or even an affiliate programme if you have lots of clients who would benefit, then I'd be delighted to hear from you.
Online courses are, by their very nature, inherently, 'non-returnable' and as such, are non-refundable.
I have taught tens of thousands of students across the years and as you'll see from the course ratings and reviews, am renowned for creating high quality courses and learning experiences.
The course page and curriculum should make the scope of the course really clear but if you have any questions about the suitability of the class prior to signing up, please do email me and I'll be delighted to answer.
Like all offerings from The Brand Stylist, this is a high value, well-considered course that will have a huge impact on your business. I've priced it at a level that makes it accessible to as many entrepreneurs as possible and I'm confident you'll love it! Do take a look at the reviews to get an insight into the quality of my classes. You're going to have a ball!
Yes, absolutely. Invoices are automatically generated when you enrol in a course. You have the opportunity to add your company details on sign up or in your client dashboard.