"Many many thanks Fiona - it's great to hear it all, almost from a bird's eye view - general project clarity. Thank you!"

Megan Jerome

An informative 75 minute seminar that'll show you how to build a destination brand

When you create a destination brand, you don't need to hustle for work, fight to get noticed or constantly justify your prices. Your brilliance will shine through in everything you do. It's the foundation of a sustainable and resilient brand.

"I LOVE these seminars - motivating and insightful."

Ellie Storey

Discover what it takes to create a destination brand people will cross continents to do business with!

In this inspirational and insightful 75 minute seminar we'll explore...

  • what a destination brand is

    A destination brand will attract clients because you are brilliant, rather than because you're convenient or cheap. It's about having the confidence to put your brilliance front and centre and build a business that sustains you.

  • the principles to work by

    Building a destination brand is a mindset, a philosophy more than anything else. In this seminar we'll explore the foundations of what it takes to build a destination brand and how you can incorporate that into what you do and how you communicate.

  • companies that do this well

    There are so many brands that do this exceptionally well and it doesn't take enormous amounts of investment or unattainable marketing tricks. It's about clarity, insight and confidence. I hope these examples inspire you to make this work for your business.

"brilliant as always and always gets me back on track if I start to worry or stray from the vision."


Watch the seminar now

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this only for businesses with physical premises?

    No. The principles apply just as well to those of you who run service based businesses as well as those of you who are asking clients to physically travel to your destination. It's about getting people to invest in you because you're exceptional, rather than because you were the easiest option!

  • What will that do for my business?

    No, this seminar is a recording of the live session which took place on 7 January 2021. You can watch at your leisure.