"absolutely inspiring... This whole series is
just GREAT on so many levels."

Valerie Jeannis

A 75 minute seminar that'll give you an overview of the process of crafting a brand that moves your business forwards

A brilliant brand identity will do more than look smart. It will elevate, engage, resonate and enchant. It will give you confidence, inspiration and set your business apart.

In this seminar I'll walk you through the process of styling a brand identity with intention so that you have a clear sense of the journey to create an intentional brand.

An inspirational exploration of the brand design process

In this 75 minute session we'll cover...

  • elements of a brilliant brand

    "There's a lot more to your brand than your logo". We hear that a lot, but what does it actually mean? I'll show you exactly what elements make up a brand identity and how to balance the feeling of each of these to achieve the right overall look for your brand.

  • the process for creating one

    Crafted with care and intention, a brilliant brand identity will do incredible things for your business. In this session I walk you through the process for creating a brand identity that will work at a commercial level (vs looking pretty or being something you love for a month and are then desperate to change!).

  • seriously inspirational case studies

    I'm a huge believer in the power of inspiration and in this seminar I'll share work from some of my favourite projects so that you can see how the process works: from private members clubs to publishing projects and even my own brand identity. You'll feel energised, empowered and enlightened!

"Thank you for sharing so much of your knowledge, your passion & excitement for helping entrepreneurs and reminders to think big!"


"this has been incredible and inspiring and you are strong and have great energy"

Charlie Smith

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"thank you, lovely Fiona, so very helpful and inspiring"

Emma Sinclair