"My, I have a lot of notes. Thank You"


A 75 minute seminar that'll give you the tools to elevate the impact of your website

For most of us, our websites are the first and most important contact a potential client will make with our businesses. Having something that you know with confidence will connect with your clients, help you own your space and gain the results you need is everything. In this session I'll show you how.

"This has been so useful Fiona - love the emphasis on connection and design, and away from just ticking those SEO boxes. Wonderful!"

Chandra Casali-Bell

Let's elevate your website today!

In this 75 minute session you'll discover...

  • how to create a website that wins you work

    We explore the principles of crafting a website that'll work at a commercial level. We look at how you can achieve the results you need at multiple levels and I'll share some very tactical approaches to increasing engagement.

  • website design inspirations

    Website design moves on fast and if you're not careful, your site can land up looking out of date and undermining your credibility before you've even begun. We explore the hallmarks of where web design is right now and the elements you can execute yourself.

  • quick wins you can implement right now

    Whilst investing in a carefully crafted, beautifully designed website packed with gorgeous images is always a good idea, sometimes that just isn't possible. I'll share some really simple and effective things that you can implement yourself to elevate the impact of your website.

"brilliant and inspirational"

Noel Ashton

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5 star rating

Helpful indeed!

Ariadne Sommer

soo much knowledge in such a short time and presented in a most lovely, inspiring way - I enjoyed every second and learned a ton - thank you Fiona

soo much knowledge in such a short time and presented in a most lovely, inspiring way - I enjoyed every second and learned a ton - thank you Fiona

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5 star rating

Feeling inspired

Debbie West

Plenty of great ideas and inspiration to ponder. I've written so many notes! Thank you

Plenty of great ideas and inspiration to ponder. I've written so many notes! Thank you

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"I'm gaining so much from these seminars"

Shea Bailey

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to be available at a specific time?

    No, this seminar is a recording of the live session which took place in July 2020. You can watch at your leisure.