create a distinctive brand

the style your brand collection

A trilogy of courses for entrepreneurs that will guide you through the process of branding or rebranding your business. Includes the Brand Clarity, Brand Vision and Creative Direction courses. Invest in the collection and save £175

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three essential courses for
branding or rebranding in style

The Style your Brand Collection includes three courses that will walk you through the entire process of creating a distinctive, resonant and commercially powerful brand identity. 

From finding clarity, defining your magic and unlocking your muses; to crafting a spine tinglingly thrilling vision for your brand identity and having the know-how to execute it all in style, this is the essential guide for those of you who are serious about creating a beautiful brand identity that wins you work. 

what's included in the collection

course 01
Brand Clarity

Everything starts here: find your space, define your essence and identify your muses

course 02
Brand Vision

Craft a vision for your brand that supports you at a commercial level.

course 03
Creative Direction

Master the impact your brand creates at every touchpoint.

"Fiona is the leading expert when it comes to everything to do with brand design and styling. She’s gets to the absolute crux, the essence of your brand and draws out of you what you might not realise your brand should be like. She’s just incredible!"

everything starts
with clarity

Clarity is fundamental to creating a brand that connects, compels and endures, so we begin our journey here: with Brand Clarity. In this enlightening and uplifting course you'll define your magic, find your space and identify your key brand muses.

We'll map out your messaging, write your positioning statement and crucially, define the essence and feeling of your brand which will carry you through the branding process and well beyond.

"this course has utterly cut through the clutter.
I love how straight forward the lessons are and how deep the questions take you. I can not express strongly enough how valuable this course is."

Dawn Terizzi on brand clarity

create a resonant vision for your brand

Once you have dazzling clarity, it's time to create a thrilling vision for your brand that will help you own your space, connect with your clients and generate that all important sense of confidence.
You'll know from the Resonant Brand and Feels Right seminars that this stuff doesn't happen by chance. Heading straight to Pinterest and creating a mood board based on pure aesthetics misses opportunities at best and is very often business limiting. Brand Vision will give you the level of focus and insight you need to translate how you want your brand to feel into a vision that creates the right impact. Priceless (and essential).

'Loving the Brand Vision course! It’s fab, exactly what I need at this stage. Gorgeous imagery, super helpful content.'

Annie Shephard, The House Editor

master the impact your brand creates

It certainly sounds straightforward: armed with your glorious mood board you commission a brand designer and bam! Job done, brand launched, on with the business of, well, running your business. Except that if it were that simple, you'd be missing big opportunities.

Creating a brand identity that wins you work needs strategic input from you at the brand design stage and it needs executing effectively at every level. You just can't be hands off. This is the stage I see so many good intentions (and big investments) go awry. You need to behave like a Creative Director.

In Creative Direction I'll show you how to master the impact your brand creates. From what to look for when reviewing those initial concepts, to how to translate the detail of your typography across to your website and digital collateral, this is the essential step in realising the potential in your investment in your brand identity and crafting a brand identity that feels right at every touchpoint.

'I thoroughly enjoyed it, learnt a lot
and found it truly inspirational.

La Conroy, The La Edit


what you'll gain from the collection

gain dazzling clarity around your brand
identify the essence of your brand and define how it needs to feel
Find your space, define your magic and hone your messaging
get clear on your brand muses and bring them to life in the most powerful way
Create a Strategic Brand direction document to keep you and your team on track
Learn how each of the brand elements can influence how your brand feels
Understand the types of colour, tone and texture that will support your brand values
Work out the type, pattern and illustration styles that will resonate with your brand and allow you to own your space
Take a more intentional approach to the propping, styling and composition choices in your photography
Create a thrilling brand vision that works commercially
find, brief and work with a brand designer with confidence
execute your brand vision in style and realise the potential in your investment
enrol in the complete Style your Brand
programme today and save £175
course 01
Brand Clarity

Everything starts here: find your space, define your essence and identify your muses

course 02
Brand Vision

Craft a vision for your brand that supports you at a commercial level.

course 03
Creative Direction

Master the impact your brand creates at every touchpoint.

separate selling price = £1100
enrol in the collection and save £175

Bought separately, your investment in the three courses would be £1100. Enrol today from just £925 and save £175. Instalment plans are available. Click on each course card to discover full course deliverables and the detailed curriculum.

"I recommend everyone who wants to start a brand, take these courses first. I'm sorry I didn't, because I would have saved a lot of money trying things out on my own. Thank you Fiona for teaching us all this and more."

Cristina Dusterhus

style your brand collection
a complete course for branding or rebranding your business

Three courses that guide you through the process of branding or rebranding your business in style.
You'll know from the individual course descriptions that these courses are designed to accompany you alongside working with a professional brand designer, rather than a design-your-own brand course, but I thought it worth mentioning here again.

Three, Monthly Instalments


Per Month x 3
  • Lifetime Access
  • Instant Access to Brand Clarity
  • Brand Vision delivered after 30 days
  • Creative Direction delivered after 60 days
  • Inclusive of VAT for UK customers

Student reviews

I'm really proud of all of my online courses and work hard to make them inspirational, uplifting and highly effective, but don't just take my word for it...

5 star rating

Thank you Fiona

Cristina Düsterhus

If you're about to create a brand or rebranding, stop everything before you start requesting services from everyone, and take these 3 courses and pay all your attention to them first (clarity, vision and direction). They're going to make all the d...

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If you're about to create a brand or rebranding, stop everything before you start requesting services from everyone, and take these 3 courses and pay all your attention to them first (clarity, vision and direction). They're going to make all the difference, they're going to make you understand the whole process that involves creating a brand and saving a lot of money on experiences that will eventually leave you in the same place you started. I wish someone had told me this before.

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5 star rating

Brilliant Course

Cristina Düsterhus

I recommend everyone who wants to start a brand, who take these courses first. I'm sorry I didn't because I would have saved a lot of money trying things out on my own. Thank you Fiona for teaching us all this and more.

I recommend everyone who wants to start a brand, who take these courses first. I'm sorry I didn't because I would have saved a lot of money trying things out on my own. Thank you Fiona for teaching us all this and more.

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5 star rating

A BIG thank you for your fantastic 'Brand Vision' course

Krista Brockbernd

It was so inspiring to follow the Brand Vision Course from Fiona Humberstone. It looked beautifully styled. That gave me so much energy. And every time I see her fantastic photos in the course and on social media (a big compliment to the photog...

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It was so inspiring to follow the Brand Vision Course from Fiona Humberstone. It looked beautifully styled. That gave me so much energy. And every time I see her fantastic photos in the course and on social media (a big compliment to the photographers she works with), her relaxed appearance in her video's, audio & stories (you always shine) and the entire style of your brand, that makes me so happy! It was a party to follow your course. So much learned, so clear what I stand for with my photography. Which direction I am going. Who my ideal customers are, what my brand should look like. All thanks to the Brand Vision course. And your feedback was so clear! I will continue with the Brand Clarity, Design for Go-Getters course and The Naming master class. I start next week!!! A BIG thank you for your fantastic 'Brand Vision' course. Kind regards, Krista Brockbernd Brockbernd photography The Netherland

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5 star rating

Brand Vision gives me the clarity to identify in a snap what makes my heart sing, and then move on that with confidence and joy!

Megan Jerome

Fiona is a master teacher, an educator whose offerings elevate, inspire and enrich. I'm an independent musician in Ottawa, Canada, and I take every course and read every publication Fiona offers. Even if I think a course might cover something I...

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Fiona is a master teacher, an educator whose offerings elevate, inspire and enrich. I'm an independent musician in Ottawa, Canada, and I take every course and read every publication Fiona offers. Even if I think a course might cover something I've already looked at I take it still, knowing I will gain a richer understanding of that subject and so much more. Fiona is just one of those very special teachers that I want to learn from again and again. If Fiona is offering it, I'm in! I am STILL in love with my intentional mood board from Brand Vision. I feel like it's part of my creative process - the incubating stage, before I write songs. I've created mood boards for this purpose before, but this one is the clearest yet- my heart soars when I see it - and thus it will become the most inspiring for me, on every possible level. The board was so fun to put together and has concrete results personally and artistically for me. It's inspired my latest clothing purchases, and in fact I've now met and connected with the woman who makes and is wearing pieces that I had pinned. This designer equally likes my music! What a beautiful connection to make, and through Brand Vision. Because of the clarity that is the result of Brand Vision, and building on the clarity I've gained, layer by later, through every other Brand Stylist course and publication, I am honing my vision to crystal clarity. I can identify in a snap what makes my heart sing, and then move on that right away with confidence and joy. When I have this much clarity, it makes sense that the people I find and reach out to are going to relate to my work as well. And now that I think about it, I think that actually the Brand Vision mood board will be the starting place for my next set of songs. How obvious! Brand Vision has clarified my next artistic step! Thank you Fiona! Perhaps once I've finished changing over my wardrobe I'll concentrate on taking a course in person! Imagine what a dream that would be!

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5 star rating

Brand Vision course (reviewed by Ilona Koulová)

Ilona Koulová

Brand Vision course was such a beautiful learning experience, full of interesting tips and hints. Needless to say, I adored how beautifully it has been styled in terms of visuals and videos. Actually, I enrolled in this course having already my cr...

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Brand Vision course was such a beautiful learning experience, full of interesting tips and hints. Needless to say, I adored how beautifully it has been styled in terms of visuals and videos. Actually, I enrolled in this course having already my creative vision more or less clear in my head. However, what was a great learning benefit I gained from Fiona’s Brand Vision course, was the fact that thanks to all words Fiona uses for labelling every single aspect of any creative vision, has enabled me to understand, why I chose the particular patterns, colors eventually type...Basically, the Brand Vision course just made me feel to be able to name specifically why I like the things I like. Thanks a lot! :)

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5 star rating

Brand Vision

Lauren Conroy

I so enjoyed the Brand Vision online course of Fiona’s. It was so thorough, informative and really got the creative juices flowing. Fiona really knows her subject. It’s given me the clarity and inspiration to take my brand to the next level! I wou...

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I so enjoyed the Brand Vision online course of Fiona’s. It was so thorough, informative and really got the creative juices flowing. Fiona really knows her subject. It’s given me the clarity and inspiration to take my brand to the next level! I would highly recommend. (...and the fact that it was shot in my home made it all the more special ;)) Thank you Fi, X Lauren (@thela_edit and @atnumber16)

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5 star rating

Another Amazing Offering! A perfect complement!

Megan Jerome

Honestly I have to confess that I am always a tiny bit sad when I get to the end of one of Fiona's courses. I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! I am a HUGE fan of Fiona's teaching. I love her aesthetic, I love her teaching style, I love these cour...

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Honestly I have to confess that I am always a tiny bit sad when I get to the end of one of Fiona's courses. I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! I am a HUGE fan of Fiona's teaching. I love her aesthetic, I love her teaching style, I love these courses and I recommend them whole-heartedly. Fiona has become one of those teachers for me in the category of: if you're teaching it, I'm taking it. I feel like I could watch each course again and again and benefit more and more every time. And that's exactly how I use Fiona's resources now, years after I found them initially. I review them, to tweak, to refine, to continue to grow. Together, Fiona's courses have help me get right to the heart of what I have to offer audiences, and then they teach me how to communicate exactly that to the very people who will enjoy what I'm offering. It's a total win, every time. What makes this hard for a musician, for any creator I imagine, is that in order to make what you make in the first place you have spent so so long focusing inward, honing your creative voice, that it is really challenging to talk about your work. But Fiona helps you ask the questions of yourself, of others, that lead you to a really clear understanding of who you are, of what magic you bring (yes, YOU! YOU bring magic!), and she then leads you to express that to others in a way that inspires, connects and elevates! THE WHOLE PROCESS IS SO FUN! Inspire, educate, clarify connect - at the heart of Fiona's teaching is inspiration, creativity, connection - the benefit of being able to better express what my music is about from the audience's perspective is such a win for communication, for community, for connection. These are rich courses that feed my artistry and teach me about entrepreneurship in equal measure. I just can't say enough about them and I can't recommend them highly enough! My artistry comes from a desire for self-expression. My performing life comes from a desire to connect. It's pure gold for me to find someone who is able to combine these paths in a way that helps me make it clearer and clearer to communicate how my music will feel, how a concert will feel. And the more I learn, the closer I get to the heart of what I'm doing, and the better I am able to reach the people who will enjoy my music and as a result, I continue to grow that community from a very genuine place. Thank you, again, Fiona!

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5 star rating

Thank you Fiona

Cristina Düsterhus

If you're about to create a brand or rebranding, stop everything before you start requesting services from everyone, and take these 3 courses and pay all your attention to them first (clarity, vision and direction). They're going to make all the d...

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If you're about to create a brand or rebranding, stop everything before you start requesting services from everyone, and take these 3 courses and pay all your attention to them first (clarity, vision and direction). They're going to make all the difference, they're going to make you understand the whole process that involves creating a brand and saving a lot of money on experiences that will eventually leave you in the same place you started. I wish someone had told me this before.

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Meet your teacher, Creative Director and bestselling author, Fiona Humberstone

Fiona Humberstone is founder of The Brand Stylist Academy. An exacting Creative Director and commercially minded Brand Strategist, Fiona works with a variety of entrepreneurs across the consumer and lifestyle sectors, bringing clarity, creativity and her incisive vision to every project she works on.

Fiona has spent more than twenty years in the industry, successfully navigating countless challenging times including two recessions and a global pandemic. She has owned, grown, sold and run franchises as well as founding, building and selling her own thriving design agency.

She’s the author and publisher of the bestselling books How to Style your Brand and Brand Brilliance, variously described as ‘The business owners’ knowledge bomb book’ and ‘The book we’ve been waiting for’ by readers and press worldwide. Fiona is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs to create exceptional brands and runs inspirational online courses, game-changing workshops and highly sought-after retreats.

She has a knack for capturing the essence of a business, finding clarity in a complex brief and translating commercial goals into visual assets. She is a creative thinker, an innovative marketer and thought leader in her field.

' Your Brand Vision course was a true delight to complete. You provide such an extensive, yet practical approach to designing a brand, it makes the process enjoyable, yet substantial and thoughtful.'

Eva Medalla, Brand Consultant

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Thanks for asking. Your enrolment fee covers one user.
I share lots of content for free on my website and these seminars are priced fairly and more than reflect the value you'll gain from the class. If you'd like to discuss prices for multiple logins or even an affiliate programme if you have lots of clients who would benefit, then I'd be delighted to hear from you.
It's not, but that won't affect the gross price you pay for the course. Essentially, everyone pays the same price for the courses but that includes 20% VAT for businesses within the UK. If you're a long time member of the community based in Europe, you will probably remember that pre-Brexit, VAT was also included in your course investments. Since January 2020, when the UK left the EU we have not charged VAT on products and services in Europe. Either way, what you really need to know is that wherever you are based, the headline price of the course is as listed! Nothing is *added on* for tax.
Yes, absolutely. Invoices are automatically generated when you enrol. You have the opportunity to add your company details on sign up or in your client dashboard.
Online courses are, by their very nature, inherently, 'non-returnable' and as such, are non-refundable.
I have taught tens of thousands of students across the years and as you'll see from the course ratings and reviews, am renowned for creating high quality courses and learning experiences.
The individual course pages make the scope of the content really clear so please do check those before purchasing.
Like all offerings from The Brand Stylist, these courses have been carefully designed and produced to get you the best possible result in the most inspired way and I know you'll love the
Your investment includes lifetime access to all the courses in the collection, so you can work through it at a pace that suits you. Go nuts and binge on everything in a couple of days or take your time and reflect in between lessons. You have complete control. And with lifetime access (given that you stick to the terms) you'll be able to revisit them all in the future too.
Yes, absolutely! You're very welcome to dip in and out of those which appeal most. I've put the collection together for those of you who are serious about crafting the right impact with your brand and maximising the potential of your investment in your brand and so the trilogy will guide you through from start to finish and save you a substantial amount along the way!